Dialogue is the key to good coexistence on the sea

Photo: Anastasia Taioglou, Unsplash.
17/01/2020 Cooperation is a key word for good coexistence between industries at sea. The value of dialogue and good communication between the industries was the topic when the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate recently hosted the very first joint regulatory authority meeting for the seismic industry.
Representatives from the NPD, the Directorate of Fisheries and the Institute of Marine Research participated from the authorities.
There was a large turnout from the industry.
The meeting was an opportunity for the authorities to provide advice and information to ensure good planning of this year’s geophysical surveys to ensure the best possible coexistence with the fisheries.
Start talking early
“This kind of meeting is important before the season really gets started. We emphasised the value of dialogue and communication between relevant players early in the planning phase,” says Torgeir Stordal, Exploration Director in the NPD.
For example, this applies when planning surveys of large areas that will take place over a longer time period. Stordal emphasises that the earlier everyone talks together and identifies which parties will be affected, the more room there will be for flexibility in the actual implementation.
“The NPD’s experience is that early contact between the parties reduces potential problems and leads to smoother implementation of the surveys. This will contribute to higher value creation for both the petroleum and the fishery industries,” says Benvenutta Henriksen, Assistant Exploration Director in the NPD.
The Institute of Marine Research presented an updated map of spawning and spawning migration at the joint meeting, and the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate presented the best practice in the early planning phase.
Benvenutta Henriksen, Torgeir Stordal, Ellen Marie Skartveit and Heidi Hagland in the NPD attended the meeting.
Updated: 17/01/2020