Documents for the annual status report for fields in production are ready

02/09/2020 The updated guideline for the Annual status report for fields in production (ASR) and an attachment in excel format are now available.
See guideline (word) and attachment (excel) at the top of the list
Starting from 2020, ASR for fields in production must be submitted to the NPD by 15 October. The deadline is concurrent with reporting for the Revised National Budget (RNB). Coordinating these reporting deadlines will ensure a closer link between RNB and ASR.
Among other things, ASR is an important basis for the authorities’ assessment of applications for production permits. The guideline has now been revised and the process has been simplified by a closer link between RNB, ASR and production permit applications.
Deadline: 15 October
ASR with attached long-term plan must be submitted together via e-mail to the NPD by 15 October 2020:
Read more about the improvements
Streamlined template for annual status report for fields in production
Updated: 04/09/2020