Changes to the Resource Management Regulations and new guide

11/01/2021 Regulation No. 2004 of 13 December 2017 relating to resource management in the petroleum activities (the Resource Management Regulations) has been amended, effective from 1 January 2021: Amended Resource Management Regulations – 1 January 2021.
The Resource Management Regulations (Norwegian only)
The objective of the changes has been to implement necessary updates and simplifications, as well as to improve the structure and clarify the content.
An additional objective has been to adapt the Regulations to conform with current practices and new routines resulting from new technology and digitalisation. Some material changes have also been made. The most important changes emerge from the consultation memo/draft (Norwegian only).
The comments concerning the Regulations have now been incorporated in the new guide for the Resource Management Regulations (Norwegian only).
This guide is not legally binding, but provides guidance on how requirements in the Regulations can be fulfilled, and how the Regulations shall be understood/interpreted.
Updated: 11/01/2021