Prestigious UN post for Harald Brekke

Harald Brekke (right) has been elected to CLCS for five years. Here he is joined by Terje Aalia, legal adviser in Norway’s permanent UN delegation in New York. Among other things, Aalia is responsible for issues relating to the law of the sea. Photo: Norway’s permanent UN delegation.
23/06/2022 Senior geologist Harald Brekke has been elected to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS).
The election took place at the United Nations’ New York headquarters on 15 June. Brekke received 112 votes, the third highest number of votes in his group after Portugal and Canada.
The Commission has 21 members, and is a vital part of the process of finally determining the limits (borders) of the coastal nations’ continental shelf outside of 200 nautical miles.
The Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf was established under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. In order to provide recommendations on the outer limits for coastal states’ continental shelf outside 200 nautical miles, the outer limit must be documented vis-à-vis the UN’s Continental Shelf Commission.
Based on the scientific criteria of the Convention, the Commission will issue recommendations on the location of the limits of the continental shelf. Limits determined based on the Commission’s recommendations will be final.
“We are very pleased that Harald was elected once again to the Commission. It is also a recognition of the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate and our expertise. I am very proud of this,” says acting Director General Torgeir Stordal.
Director Communication, public affairs and emergency response
Updated: 23/06/2022