Sharing data from older wells

Ekofisk oil field. Photo: Shutterstock.
31/10/2022 Production and injection data from older wellbores is now available in Diskos.
Historical production data is particularly valuable when new wells are drilled near an existing well. Such data also holds great value when interpreting the properties of development wells that are still producing, and when a new company considers buying into or taking over a field or area.
Starting from the mid-1980s and up to 2000, well production and injection was reported to the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD) in PPRS, which is the original format for reporting this data.
Production data reported to the authorities in this format has been converted to the current MPRML format, and is now available in the Diskos production module.
This includes data all the way back to when production started on the Norwegian shelf from 1971.
The result of this effort is that the NPD can now make data available that has previously only been available internally, in a format that is not particularly user-friendly. Among other things, the process has involved verification and correction of wellbore names, handling duplicate data and finally, conversion to the current xml-based format and uploading to Diskos. The actual production and injection volumes are listed as reported by the operators.
A total of more than 120 000 lines of data have been validated and loaded into the database, where each line represents data for a specific wellbore in a specific month.
All data is now available on the Diskos Public portal.
Director Communication, public affairs and emergency response
Updated: 31/07/2024