The NPD releases geochemical data

Tobias Pfeifer and Hans Stokka works with FactPages and FactMaps at the NPD.
23/08/2022 Geochemical data from the Norwegian Sea and the Barents Sea are now available via the NPD’s Fact pages.
The database is acquired from IGI Itd and contains data from wells released up to the end of 2019. There will be an update during the fall with data from all released wells.
The new release included a total og 59 922 samples from 345 wells.
Access to a quality-secured database gives all the players on the Norwegian continental shelf a good foundation for conducting geochemical evaluations as a basis for better understanding of the petroleum systems.
The database is available via the NPD’s Factpages
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Read more
The geochemical database for the North Sea
Diskos – the Norwegian national data repository for petroleum data
Director Communication, public affairs and emergency response
Updated: 23/08/2022