Announcement: Acreage for CO2 storage on the Norwegian Continental Shelf

11/01/2023 On 11 of January 2023, the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy announced an area for CO2 storage pursuant to the CO2 Storage Regulations.
This area comprises defined blocks in the North Sea.
This is the fifth time acreage is being announced for CO2 storage on the Norwegian Continental Shelf.
The invitation provides a more detailed description of the authorities' process for licensing acreage for CO2 storage on the Norwegian shelf.
Read more about the announcement and download relevant documentation
The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy's press release (Norwegian only)
Dedicated atlas for CO2 storage
The NPD has mapped areas that are suitable for long-term and secure CO2 storage, an effort that has resulted in a CO2-storage atlas for the Norwegian Continental Shelf. All areas announced for storage on the Norwegian shelf are identified in the atlas.
The CO2 Storage Regulations
Regulation No. 1517 of 5 December 2014 relating to exploitation of subsea reservoirs on the continental shelf for storage of CO2 and relating to transport of CO2 on the Norwegian Continental Shelf
More information
Updated: 11/01/2023