Inviting the industry to a new course

The NPD is organising a course for the industry, to be held on 20 April.
08/02/2023 The Norwegian model is founded on interaction and teamwork between the authorities and the oil and gas industry.
The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD) is organising a new course in April where one of the key topics will be follow-up of production licences.The course is relevant for all oil company staff working with production licences in the exploration, development, and operations phases.
The course – to be held in Stavanger on 20 April – will address the roles played by the authorities and the NPD throughout the entire lifecycle, from the award of exploration licences all the way to removal of installations.
Introductions will be provided over the course of this day in topics including framework conditions, reporting, social economics, follow-up of production licences, as well as development and operations.
Registered attendees will receive a detailed programme. At present, there are around 130 spots available for enrolment. The course can also be followed from the NPD’s offices in Harstad. The course is in Norwegian.
The registration deadline is 13 April. Enrolment form (Norwegian only)
Contact Silje Sundrønning, tel. +47 975 48 705, if you have questions.
Updated: 09/02/2023