Name change for the NPD

The illustration shows parts of the new visual identity.
16/11/2023 The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD) is changing its name to the Norwegian Offshore Directorate as of 1 January 2024. The new name reflects the additional responsibilities assigned to the directorate in recent years.
In addition to petroleum this includes tasks associated with CO2 storage (CCS), offshore wind and seabed minerals.
There will be no formal changes beyond the name change. The organisation and contacts will remain the same. However, the name change will have a few practical consequences.
The name and domains will be updated gradually starting on 1 January 2024. The website will change from to E-mail-addresses will change from to E-mails sent to old addresses will be forwarded to new addresses during a transitional period.
Regulations and agreements will be continued.
If you have questions regarding the name change, you can get in touch with your normal contact in the NPD. Alternatively you may contact Ola Anders Skauby, Director Communication, public affairs and emergency response.
Director Communication, public affairs and emergency response
Updated: 17/11/2023