Technology is the key


Inspiring and good presentations and discussions at Technology Day 2024. (Photo: Frode Dyrdal)

10/06/2024 Technology Day 2024 turned out to be exactly what the Norwegian Offshore Directorate was hoping for, with presentations and discussions about acquiring subsurface data, challenging barrels and next-generation production systems.

Technology Day 2024 was organised for the third time on Thursday, 6 June in the Norwegian Offshore Directorate’s offices in Stavanger. The objective was to share experience, as well as to inspire and exchange ideas.

Clear objectives in the Directorate’s technology strategy include improving exploration, increasing recovery and reducing emissions. Technology Day 2024 was centred around these three main areas.

An active crowd with representatives from many companies on the Norwegian shelf contributed good presentations and input for discussions. Many participants let us know that they want to see a continued strong focus and technology initiative from the Norwegian Offshore Directorate.

Arne Jacobsen, assistant director subsurface and technology, has stated that, “we are totally dependent on developing and implementing new technology if we are to realise the values on the shelf.”

He thinks that Technology Day 2024 ticked all the boxes, “a good opportunity to share experience and inspire each other.”

Read more about our technology strategy


Ola Anders Skauby

Director Communication, public affairs and emergency response

Tel: +47 905 98 519

Updated: 10/06/2024

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