Production figures August 2019
24/09/2019 Preliminary production figures for August 2019 show an average daily production of 1 647 000 barrels of oil, NGL and condensate, which is a decrease of 67 000 barrels per day compared to July.
Total gas sales were 8.2 billion Sm3 (GSm3), which is a decrease of 1.4 GSm3 from the previous month.
Average daily liquids production in August was: 1 353 000 barrels of oil, 267 000 barrels of NGL and 27 000 barrels of condensate. Oil production in July is 3.9 percent lower than the NPD’s forecast, and 3.7 percent below the forecast so far this year.
The main reasons that production in August was below forecast is technical problems and maintenance work on some fields.
Production August 2019
Oil production 2019
Liquid production 2019
Gas production 2019
The total petroleum production for the first eight months in 2019 is about 143.7 million Sm3 oil equivalents (MSm3 o.e.), broken down as follows: about 51.4 MSm3 o.e. of oil, about 13,3 MSm3 o.e. of NGL and condensate and about 79.1 MSm3 o.e. of gas for sale.
The total volume is 10.5 MSm3 o.e. lower than in 2018.
Updated: 24/09/2019