Production figures January 2021
16/02/2021 Preliminary production figures for January 2021 show an average daily production of 2 137 000 barrels of oil, NGL and condensate.
Total gas sales were 10.4 billion Sm3 (GSm3), which is an increase of 0.1 GSm3 from the previous month.
Average daily liquids production in January was: 1 804 000 barrels of oil, 321 000 barrels of NGL and 12 000 barrels of condensate.
Oil production in January is equal to the NPD’s forecast.
Production January 2021
Oil production 2021
Liquid production 2021
Gas production 2021
The total petroleum production in January 2021 is about 20.9 million Sm3 oil equivalents (MSm3 o.e.), broken down as follows: about 8.9 MSm3 o.e. of oil, about 1.6 MSm3 o.e. of NGL and condensate and about 10.4 MSm3 o.e. of gas for sale.
The total volume is 0.7 MSm3 o.e. higher than in January 2020.
Director Communication, public affairs and emergency response
Updated: 16/02/2021