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Resource report 2019 – Fields and discovery

Even after more than 50 years, the Norwegian shelf still holds vast opportunities. More than half of the estimated remaining resources on the Norwegian shelf have already been discovered. 85 per cent are located in the fields and 15 per cent are located in discoveries that are being considered for development.

Resource report 2018 – Exploration

The 2018 Resource Report for Exploration shows that large remaining resources on the Norwegian continental shelf continue to offer great opportunities on the Norwegian shelf, both in mature and less explored areas.

Resource report 2017 – Fields and discovery

Nye funn og gode løsninger har bidratt med at ressursanslaget har økt med 40 prosent siden 1990. På toppen av dette har Oljedirektoratet kartlagt et teknisk potensial med betydelige mengder olje og gass som kan utvinnes ved å ta ny teknologi i bruk.

Resource report 2016 (pdf)

The purpose of the 2016 resource report is to detail the status of, facts about and analyses concerning exploration developments on the NCS, and to present an updated estimate for undiscovered resources.

Resource report 2014 - Field and discoveries (pdf)

This report deals with resources in fields and discoveries on the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS) and the NPD’s assessment of opportunities for realising the greatest possible value from these.

Resorce report 2013 - Exploration (pdf)

The biggest change in the Norwegian petroleum industry since 2011 is a higher level of optimism than has been evident on the NCS for a long time.

Resource report 2011 (pdf)

This resource report provides a survey of petroleum resources on the NCS.

Resource report 2009 (pdf)

Exploration activity has reached record-breaking levels in the last couple of years, which has led to many, but small, discoveries. The NPD believes that large discoveries can still be made in areas of the shelf that have not been extensively explored.

Resource report 2007 (pdf)

The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate believes there are between 1.6 and 5.8 billion standard cubic meters (Sm3) oil equivalents (o.e.) oil, gas, condensate and NGL (Natural Gas Liquids) left to find on the Norwegian shelf.

Resource report 2005 (pdf)

The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate announces publication of the report entitled The petroleum resources on the Norwegian continental shelf 2005.

Resource report 2003 (pdf)

The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate shall contribute to creating the highest possible values for society from oil and gas activities, founded on a sound management of resources, safety and environment. It is therefore important that the Directorate maintains an overview of, and assesses, the activities of the petroleum industry and the petroleum resources on the Norwegian shelf.

Resource report 2001 (pdf)

The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate shall contribute to creating the highest possible values for society from oil and gas activities, founded on a sound management of resources, safety and environment. It is therefore important that the Directorate maintains an overview of, and assesses, the activities of the petroleum industry and the petroleum resources on the Norwegian shelf.

Updated: 21/08/2024

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