Hywind Tampen

Hywind Tampen is a wind power project being planned to supply electricity to the Gullfaks and Snorre fields in the Tampen area of the North Sea.

It involves 11 floating turbines, each with a capacity of eight megawatts. Plans call for this wind farm to be positioned between the two fields and tied back to them by transmission cables. That could make it possible to operate existing gas turbines at lower load and to shut them down at times.

If the companies take an investment decision and the project is approved, annual emissions from the fields are expected to be cut by about 200 000 tonnes of CO₂ and 1 000 tonnes of NOx.

Equinor has therefore secured NOK 2.3 billion in support by Enova. An investment decision is planned in 2019. Regarded as a pilot project, it is due to start up in the third quarter of 2022.


Illustration of the Hywind Tampen project

Figure 4.5 The Hywind Tampen project. Illustration: Equinor.

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