Calculating the scaled EOR potential

Identifying a scaled EOR potential for each field and discovery takes account of the factors which affect the opportunities for implementing such measures. An operational and an economic factor, each with a value between 0 and 1, have been defined for each method. These factors are combined to create an overall scaling factor, which indicates the opportunity for adopting an EOR method.

The scaled volume is estimated by multiplying the scaling factor by the technical potential for each EOR method on each field and discovery. Furthermore, the total scaled EOR potential for the whole NCS is calculated by summing the volumes for the EOR method on each field and discovery which has the highest scaled potential and a positive present value (assuming a seven per cent discount rate).

This scaled potential is only valid with statistical relevance when summed over a large number of opportunities, as in this analysis, where it is used to calculate a scaled EOR potential for the whole NCS.

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