Announcement 2024, round 1

Illustration of carbon storage.
All you need to know about licences for subsea reservoirs on the Norwegian Continental Shelf for injection and storage of CO2 in 2024, round 1.
Six companies offered acreage for CO2 storage
Six companies have been offered exploration licences to store CO2 in four areas in the North Sea.
The authorities have reviewed applications from eight companies following announcement of two suitable acreage in March 2024.
"We see great interest from the companies and find it gratifying that four offers are now being sent out. This is the highest number of offers that have been sent out simultaneously", says Hilde Braut, assistant director for new industries.
The six companies that have received offers are:
- Aker BP ASA
- Equinor ASA
- Lime Petroleum AS
- OMV (Norge) AS
- PGNiG Upstream Norway AS
- Vår Energi ASA
This is the sixth time acreage has been awarded for CO2 storage pursuant to the CO2 Storage Regulations.
Press release from the Ministry of Energy
Eight companies have applied for CO2 storage acreage
The Ministry is processing the applications received and plans to award exploration licences in the second half of 2024.
The Ministry has been contacted by commercial players who are interested in securing the award of specific acreage for CO2 storage.
These areas, which are located in the North Sea, were announced on 6 March pursuant to the (Norwegian) CO2 Storage Regulations. When the deadline expired on 24 April, the following companies had submitted applications:
- Aker BP ASA
- Equinor Low Carbon Solutions AS
- Lime Petroleum AS
- Northern Lights JV DA
- OMV (Norge) AS
- PGNiG Upstream Norway AS
- Vår Energi ASA
- Wintershall Dea Norge AS
Press release from the Ministry of Energy
Announcement nr. 1-2024: Acreage for CO2 storage on the Norwegian continental shelf
On 6 of March 2024, the Ministry of Energy announced two areas for CO2 storage pursuant to the CO2 Storage Regulations. This area comprises defined blocks in the North Sea.
Press release from Ministry of Petroleum and Energy
Invitation to apply for licences for storage of CO2
Application deadline
The application deadline is 24 April 2024 at 12:00. Applicants are encouraged to submit their applications well before the deadline.
Available acreage
The predefined areas encompass one area in the North Sea, see map and coordinates below.
Map of available acreage
Table with coordinates
List of coordinates, the North Sea (zip file)
Relevant information
CO2 Storage Atlas, Norwegian Continental Shelf
Norwegian Offshore Directorate CO2 factmap
How to apply
Each company that applies for licences must submit the following to the Ministry of Energy with copies to the Norwegian Offshore Directorate and the Norwegian Ocean Industry Authority (Havtil):
- Application letter, company information and receipt for paid application fee
- Application(s)
The submission to the Ministry of Energy and the Norwegian Offshore Directorate shall be sent via L2S Authority Communication or via Altinn.
1. Application letter, company information and receipt for paid application fee
The formal application letter with an overview of all applications the company is participating in, both individually and as a participant in group application(s), shall be submitted together with the company information. See Guideline to application letter and company information (pdf) for more information.
A fee of NOK 109,000 must be paid for each application. When several companies join in a group application to apply for a licence, this counts as one application.
One of the members of the group pays the fee. Payment shall be made to the Norwegian Offshore Directorate, account no.: 7694.05.00326, marked "CO2-storage".
A copy of the receipt must be enclosed with the application letter from the company.
2. Application(s)
Each application for a licence must be submitted in electronic format to the Ministry of Energy and the Norwegian Offshore Directorate. See Guideline for application for permit for CO2-storage (pdf) for more information.
Forms that must be completed
Geological Storage Complex and Quantities Stored Potential Data (Excel)
Other application information
Environmental, HSE and fishery terms and conditions (pdf)
Available data
Updated: 24/06/2024